200 North 9th Street Columbia, Mo. 65201

(573) 424-8220






I am a licensed Professional Counselor, a licensed Clinical Social  Worker, and a Court approved Mediator, with an office in Columbia,  Missouri. I have thirty years of experience in providing psychotherapy  services to children, teens, and adults in individual and family  therapy, as well as working on co-parenting relationships.

My current  focus is in helping parents and children through separation and divorce  including; understanding the grief process, keeping children out of the  middle, creating developmentally sensitive parenting plans, assisting  children in understanding their parent’s divorce, parental alienation,  estrangement, child custody evaluations, and helping parents to minimize  conflict in their parenting relationship.

 Other areas of expertise include; behavioral problems in children,  treatment of victims of child abuse and neglect, post traumatic stress,  guardianship cases, forensic interviewing, and family therapy. 

“Life isn’t just about the journey…It is also about the choices you make along the way.”

 I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to work with clients.   I believe that everyone wants to do the best they can… and with  commitment and perseverance the process of therapy or mediation can  bring about significant life changes.  When families go through the  divorce process their whole lives are turned upside down.  Other than  the death of a loved one, it may be the most difficult time in the life  of each and every family member.  I often tell clients that life as they  have known it will never be the same…but the journey to find a “new  normal” can be one of profound insight and understanding into the very  complex nature of human relationships.  I know from personal experience  that it is often the lows of life that bring about incredible  reflection, an understanding of the lessons that life can teach us, and  more importantly, how these challenges and difficulties can assist us in  becoming something better than we have ever been before.  It is also an  incredible opportunity to teach children vital lessons;  how one is to  navigate difficult times, how to persevere, how to conduct our lives  with dignity, and how to behave in ways that role model to children that  taking the “high road,” albeit not easy… is a journey to be proud of.